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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back in the Pool, One Year Later

Last year, the London Olympics rekindled my love for swimming. It had sort of died out after I got to college and decided I'd rather hang out with everyone in Fitten than keep going to swim club after the first week (which I fully regret, by the way- not that it wasn't fun hanging out with everyone, but I really could have used some regular exercise). But when Olympic trials rolled around last year, I got right back in the swing of things. I was following swimmers on Twitter, watching all the races and the ridiculous "Call Me Maybe" video, but eventually I realized I wanted to get back in the pool too. So, a year ago yesterday, I went back to the Augusta Aquatics Center for the first time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The It Girl: My Trashy Guilty Pleasure

Last week, I was thinking about what book I wanted to read next, but everything on my list seemed so serious. I wasn't in the mood for historical fiction or dystopian YA- too much thinking involved in both. I wanted something completely, purely mindless. So I picked up one of my old favorite series from my early teenage years- The It Girl.